Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Penile Cancer - The Smokeless Tobacco Connection

Cancer - the very word cancer gives some people a weak feeling in the knees. Why? The survival rates for most cancer is not very good. Most people today are more than aware of this and thus the fear associated with the term cancer.

Penile cancer is the topic of this article. Cancer of the penis is something that most men do not wish to think about much less discuss. Unfortunately, it does exist and there are specific causes that lead to it. If the reader wishes to investigate the several causes of penile cancer they can enter the term into any search engine of their choice.

The causative factor for penile cancer that we are concentrating on for this article is smokeless tobacco. Tobacco plays a very important role in squamous cell cancer of the penis. Chewing tobacco or using dry or moist snuff.

Just how important a role does smokeless tobacco play in the development of penile cancer? One study has shown that 34% of tobacco chewers as compared to those who do not use tobacco in a controlled study developed penile cancer. This percentage was over twice the percentage for those who do not use tobacco.

All forms of tobacco use have been shown to significantly increase the incidence of penile cancer [BRITISH JOURNAL OF UROLOGY (London), Volume 75, Number 3: Pages 375-377, March 1995].

Let us cover a general examination of the role tobacco use in any form contributes to the susceptibility to penile cancer. Penile cancer is a disease in which malignant (cancer) cells form in the tissues of the penis. Anything that increases your chance of getting a disease is called a risk factor.

Risk factors of tobacco use in any form in developing penile cancer.

The penis is a rod-shaped male reproductive organ. Sperm and urine pass from the body through the penis. It contains two types of erectile tissue (spongy tissue with blood vessels that fill with blood to make an erection):

1) Corpora cavernosa: The two columns of erectile tissue that form most of the penis.

2) Corpus spongiosum: The single column of erectile tissue that forms a small portion of the penis. The corpus spongiosum surrounds the urethra (the tube through which urine and sperm pass from the body).

The erectile tissue is wrapped in connective tissue and covered with skin. The glans (head of the penis) is covered with loose skin called the foreskin.

There are several factors that can cause penile cancer but the focus of this article is that of tobacco use in any form.

Possible signs of penile cancer include:

!) sores

2) discharge

3) bleeding.

These and other symptoms may be caused by penile cancer. Other conditions may cause the same symptoms. A doctor should be consulted if any of the following problems occur:

1) Redness

2) irritation

3) a sore on the penis.

4) a lump on the penis

The following tests that examine the penis are used to detect and diagnose penile cancer:

1) Physical exam and history: An exam of the body to check general signs of health, including checking the penis for signs of disease, such as lumps or anything else that seems unusual.

2) A history of the patients health habits and past illnesses and treatments will also be taken.

3) Biopsy: The removal of cells or tissues so they can be viewed under a microscope by a pathologist to check for signs of cancer

The chance of recovery and treatment options depend on the following:

1) The stage of the cancer.

2) The location and size of the tumor.

3) Whether the cancer has just been diagnosed or has come back.

Anyone who desires further information of the dangers of smokeless tobacco and the effects it has on the human body can review a FREE eBook on the subject at the following link:

"Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco Now!"

In summary, the use of tobacco in any form is a risk factor for penile carcinoma. Tobacco may exert its action through its metabolites, or directly after systemic absorption. Use of more than one form of tobacco multiplies the risk of development of penile carcinoma.

Zach Malott is CEO of Stop Smokeless.com, a site that is dedicated to helping others to eliminate the addiction of smokeless tobacco from their lives.

Malott has spent most of his life addicted to smokeless tobacco. In his search for a means to quit and stay quit, a program developed over the years that has helped 1,000's who are ready to quit succeed.

The focus of his life now is to help as many people as he can to be rid of this dangerous, unnecessary drug from being the cause of so much human misery. This resourse can be found at:

Stop Smokeless.com

Once again, the FREE eBook can be read at the following link: "Stop Using Smokeless Tobacco Now!"

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How to Get a Six Pack Fast

Ah, all men dream of a six pack. We may not admit it, but we do. Whether we find it aesthetically pleasing or not, it is indisputable that a six pack symbolises something far more important: ultimate body sculpting, and all that goes with it -- hard work, ambition, drive, skill. However, knowing how to get a six pack fast is one thing, actually getting one is something else.

The six pack is comprised of the abdominal muscles. Notice the word "muscles" in that sentence. If you want a great looking pair of biceps, what do you do? You lift weights doing bicep curls in order to make them more prominent. If you want a firm, strong chest, what do you do? You do bench presses to increase the muscle. Getting a six pack is no different -- if you want your abs to be prominent and well-defined, then you need to work them.

However, you can work your abdominals to death, but they will never present themselves if they have a layer of fat covering them. You see, muscles only become visible and defines as long as they are not buried in fat. This is an amazingly simple principle, yet an astonishing number of people completely overlook it. For some, just doing endless sit-ups and crunches should be enough to get a six packand then they are left bemused when none show. Knowing how to get a six pack fast needn't be a secret.

The six pack is probably the most prized aesthetic look precisely because it is the hardest to achieve. Our arms don't appear to be our body's favourite storage space for fat so, consequently, we can build the visibility of our bicep and forearm muscles very quickly. Even a morbidly obese individual could display them after a bit of work. Our legs are slightly more prone to fat but, again, you can see muscle definition fairly quickly.

The stomach area is where we put out fat and, unfortunately, represents the hardest task to accomplish. Here's the thing -- you can work your abs for months, doing countless reverse curls, crunches and sit-ups. It's highly likely that in that time, you will have built a fine-looking six pack. But unless you have removed the fat on top of the six pack, it will never be visible.

Now, losing weight isn't enough to get the stomach fat off. Again, look for the keyword in the sentence -- "fat". Weight is made of two forms, fat and muscle. If you wish to know how to get a six pack fast, then you need to understand the importance of treating each sub-category of weight properly. You will want to build muscle and burn fat. Muscle is dense and requires an awful lot of calories to keep it going -- so if you build a pound of muscle, you will pay for that by burning fat.

Like it or not, you will have to hit the weights, and hit them hard. You will also have to eat clean, and ensure your body fat percentage goes down steadily. This can be accomplished in a fast period of time, assuming you aren't in terrible physical condition to begin with (it helps if you have less than 15 lbs to lose). It is no good going from 180 lbs to 160 lbs if you are losing fat and muscle, because a significant percentage of the fat will continue to cover your abs. You need to ensure that the vast majority of weight lost is fat.

If you can nail that combination of building muscle, working the abs, and dieting to lose fat, then you could see a six pack in very fast time. Of course, it goes without saying that the harder you hit the weights and the more disciplined you are with your diet, the faster you will accomplish your goal. Suck it up and get it done, and you too can rip off your shirt and beam with pride.

Hugh Campbell believes he has found the best solution for fast and optimal body aesthetic transformation. If you would like to learn more, feel free to visit (http://www.hottestpicksonline.com/BurnTheFat.html)

Burn the Fat Build the Muscle

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How to Shoot Video of Your Kids Sports Team So That Anyone Else Will Watch It!

Break out that video camera, there is a game this weekend!

1.You bought a video camera
2.You want to shoot sports of your kid
3.Here is how to do it right!

What a wonderful age of technology we live in. You can buy the greatest gadgets now days to record video and music and play them in all sorts of ways on other great technology gadgets from computers, DVDs, MP3 players, VCRs, and many more. It is all great stuff. But they all come with thick owners manuals that do not always get you going the right direction. You may eventually learn to use your great new camera for instance, but that does not mean you will necessarily take pictures that are worth looking at down the road. Rolling tape in your camera is one thing and creating video that is high quality and interesting is another thing. The goal of this product is to bring you up to speed with using your video camera (whatever format, and whatever brand) to get the best results for recording those precious moments of your kids athletic achievements.

We as parents spend plenty of hours out on the field, court, pool, or track watching our kids take part in and compete in youth sports. If you have a video camera you are going to want to record some of these events for posterity and perhaps education. Following the simple steps in this guide will help you to capture them in the best possible fashion so that it is watch able but also usable down the road.

My video expertise stems from two decades as a network television cameraman and as a parent with several kids actively involved in youth sports. In my years of shooting video professionally I have been around the world and seen just about every type of news event. I also spent 15 years covering pro sports events for my employer. These were the best type of assignments as far as I was concerned. In my entire career the things I have enjoyed most is being able to go to places where the average person cannot. In sports that usually means being on the field, next to the court, in the press box, or in the pit. I have shot football games of all levels up to and including NFC and AFC championship games. Living in the Bay Area has allowed me to cover many baseball pennant races and several World Series. I was right behind home plate the night the earth shook in the 1989 World Series. Talk about a shock. I had to give up covering a World Series between the two Bay Area teams to go and cover a huge news event. Baseball seemed small for a while after the magnitude of the earthquake. The point in this is that I love sports, have been around sports my whole life and I know how to shoot video of sports. With that in mind I will do my best to give you advice on how to do the same.


Now whether you have the latest DV camera in your hands or an old VHS format camera there are basic things you will need to keep in mind if you are going to shoot sports. As we say in the video business your camera is only as good as the glass that you hang in front of it. The better the lens the better the results will be no matter what kind of recording format you use. Now you already have a camera in hand and may never have heard this particular bit of advice so it is too late to factor it into the equation. However if you have camera in hand and it has any limitations on what it can do due to the lens being less than wonderful there are things you can do to mitigate the situation. We will discuss those things in more detail later on.

The key factors before setting out on your game day video assignment are to make sure you know the operating functions of the gear, have a tape supply in hand (soon to be DVDs with the revolution in gear design that is taking place right now), and batteries fully charged. I know these may seem like the simply obvious things but even the pros have to constantly remind themselves to check and double check these items.

A little aside here about preparation. Over the many years of covering news I learned lots of little tips from other photographers in the field and applied them to my work regimen. In the early days of video we always had to carry around a portable hair dryer because the record decks would seize up if the moisture levels got to high. So in the winter time if you came in from the cold outside into a nice warm building the air would condense inside the machine and cause moisture build up. The warning light would come on and bang we were dead in the water. One of us would have to run to the car and get the hair dryer, fire it up and chase the water away from the record heads of the deck. It caused some very funny moments in public places I can assure you. (This by the way can still be a problem even today with electronics/VCRs/lenses. Too much moisture can cause havoc. So just remember a portable hair dryer can save your day)

Another thing I learned from others is the value of backup. A few years ago I was out on assignment and we had a young eager college intern along with us in the field. This young man wanted to learn all about what we did in our job. He was very interested in how to take pictures, unlike most of our interns who only wanted to become reporters or anchors. He asked many questions and after seeing that he was really paying attention I decided to take him under my wing and really fill him up with information. One tidbit that I shared with him was to always have an emergency stash of tape in his car when out on assignment. He didnt quite understand the importance of this at first since I had already drilled him about always bringing tape stock with him when going out on assignment. I filled him with stories of times when something or other happened and Ill be darned if you didnt need another tape and there under the seat of the car was that emergency spare. So anyway he went off to graduate from college and get a job in a small market TV station. He would send us progress reports from time to time, which I really enjoyed. Then lo and behold one day he sends me a letter telling me how he got into a jam one day on a story and needed that emergency tape. He had dutifully tucked one under the back seat and it was there to save the day. I hope that what you learn in this book will in some way keep you from having a video failure down the road. What I learned in my career is that video production is 80% of it is dealing with the curves and problems that are thrown at you and 20% talent. If you can learn to trouble shoot then you will always be successful.

My first suggestion for shooting your kids sports activities is to go watch TV. Yes sit down put your feet up and watch some sports on TV. Really watch how they make it interesting at the top level. Then watch the news and see how they cover the games from a news perspective. Dont pay attention to the content; just watch how it develops visually. Now of course you can never duplicate what the networks are doing with just your one camera. However if you can glean anything from watching it should be how they try to bring intimacy with the athletes out in the broadcast. All the new improvements in covering sports have to do with getting you the viewer as close to the athlete as they can. Bring you into their world. From cameras on wires overhead that swoop along the field to cameras in the net of a hockey game to cameras inside the cars at Daytona, it brings you into the game. Now you cannot stand on the pitchers mound at your kids baseball game but you can learn some techniques that can make your baseball video more intimate and therefore more compelling to watch.

A side note here, if your task is to capture the whole game or sporting activity for review as a coaching tool you should focus mainly on getting a good high view and putting the camera on a tripod. Pan slowly to follow action and dont zoom in and out. My main goal here is not to teach you this skill since it is pretty darn basic. However if this is what you are doing you should do it right. Find the right framing to keep as much of the activity in the frame and follow it carefully. Some sports move quickly from one end to the other and you will have to be smooth. Resist the temptation to follow the ball on full zoom. You will lose. Those guys that shoot sports on TV are full on pros using much better gear than you will ever have at your disposal.

Now in order to get a good video of your childs game you need to find that emotion and excitement that exists in any game. Think of it as capturing a few of the things that occur and making those golden. Does the team do a pre game cheer? Get up close, stick your camera wither way up high over their heads looking down or get underneath looking up and shoot it in a way that takes the viewer where they cant go. Capture an at bat in baseball by taking a full pitch cycle in close-up of the pitcher, and then one of the catcher and then as close as you can of the hitter. Show their face if you can. If they get the big hit dont go crazy rushing to zoom out. Follow the runner down the line. It will be almost impossible to follow the ball so stay with the runner. Look for the angles that will give you these emotional shots.

Some sports are more of a challenge due to the size of the field and the amount of movement up and down the field. Take soccer of instance, if you follow the ball the camera is moving all over the place and the viewer gets queasy. To capture some good video of your kid playing you need to focus on specific shots and not try to follow the play. Look for moments such as throw ins, free kicks, kick offs when things are predictable and you can get closer to the action. Walk down the sideline and wait for the action to come to you. If you child is playing right forward then get ahead of the play and when you see the ball moving towards you then you can find you child and roll tape in anticipation of them playing the ball. Be sure to get some shots of the crowd cheering, the coach watching (not yelling I hope) the goalie waiting in anticipation.

Hold your shots steady for 6-10 seconds at a time. If you are taking a shot of someone watching the game actually count it out in your head (thousand one thousand two) This will ensure that you get good solid shots and that you dont run on and on with the shot. Brace your arm against your chest for stability and use your other arm across your belly underneath to create a stabilizing platform. This is in lieu of a tripod of course. If you have a tripod it can always be a good thing to use if it does not get in the way.

Use creative angles as much as possible. Get down low and wait for the action to run by you. Dont pan with it but rather let the action race through the frame. At a swim meet get the camera down on the deck for more of a swimmers perspective of the action. Of course you may not want to stay there when the swimmers approach for a turn. Digital electronics do not like water inside them. I was getting the most awesome low angle shots of some open water ocean swimmers one time and the boat lurched on me and salt water sprayed over the camera. I had a cover on the camera but salt water seeped into the crannies and it caused us much grief getting it cleaned out so as to avoid damaging the electronics of the camera.

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FA Cup Third Round - Back Top 10 Championship Sides

There is value to be had backing the top 10 Championship teams who are drawn against teams lower than them in the league structure and you will obtain better odds than backing Premiership sides in similar circumstances.

During the 2003/04 season, Millwall were drawn at home three times and didnt meet another top 30 side until they faced Sunderland in the semi final. En-route to this match, they won three out of four games, beating Walsall @ 1.91 (h), Telford @ 1.60 (a) and Burnley @ 1.79 (h) before drawing at home to Tranmere in the quarter final, despite being odds on at 1.50. However, they made amends in the replay, winning at Prenton Park at odds of 2.32.

Backing Millwall to win each match before they faced Sunderland would have netted a profit of 26.20 for 10 level stakes, a 52% return on turnover.

Third Round
Millwall @ 1.91 vs Walsall. Result: 2-1
Forest vs WBA @ 2.30. Result: 1-0
Preston vs Reading @ 3.48. Result: 3-3
Sunderland @ 1.42 vs Hartlepool. Result: 1-0
Cardiff vs Sheff Utd @ 2.61. Result: 0-1
Ipswich @ 1.56 vs Derby. Result: 3-0

Third Round Replay
Reading @ 2.21 vs Preston. Result: 1-2

Fourth Round
Forest vs Sheff Utd @ 2.40. Result: 0-3
Telford vs Millwall @ 1.61. Result: 0-2

Fifth Round
Millwall @ 1.79 vs Burnley. Result: 1-0

Quarter Final
Millwall @ 1.56 vs Tranmere. Result: 0-0

Quarter Final Replay
Tranmere vs Millwall @ 2.32. Result: 1-2

Using this strategy to back all top 10 Championship sides against lower opposition produced a profit of 36.20 on level stakes of 10 across 12 matches.

There are five third round matches that qualify for this strategy, three of which sees top 10 sides face Championship opposition.

Sheff Utd @ 1.44 vs Colchester
Stoke @ 1.30 vs Tamworth
Wolves @ 1.72 vs Plymouth
Derby vs Burnley @ 3.00
Preston @ 1.57 vs Crewe

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