Saturday, September 29, 2007

Google The New Big Brother

For some time now, the warm and fuzzy feelings towards Google have dissipated to be replaced by a certain unease. What is Google up to? Googles entire focus in its business strategy is to ensure that their service enables them to fully track you the internet user so that they are able to provide relevant search results. The companies they are buying up on a daily basis are chosen because their products or services add to this business focus.

Googles CEO Eric Schmidt spoke about his companys approach to personalisation at a conference in the UK this week. Googles focus on collecting data on the internet user is far more obsessive than one would imagine. It seems that Google would like to be able to predict, for instance, what a user might want to do the next day or what job he/she might wish to take.

This is a whole new take on providing information on the closest shoe shop! Google wants to be able to predict that you want to buy shoes on a given day and what your style and fashion taste could be, the budget you have towards your shoe purchase, where you live and where you will, most likely, want to shop. All for the sake of providing relevant search results? And if you dont have a budget available because you are broke, is Google going to direct you to a loan facility?

In order to try and re-assure people, Google states that it will only keep this personalised information for two years. Who will police this, one wonders. Moreover, it is becoming increasingly difficult for internet users to stay anonymous. A harmless activity, one would think, of posting a video on YouTube, will provide Google with personal information. Add to this Gmail and iGoogle, never mind the information that Googles new acquisition DoubleClick can provide. Google is searching your e-mails, your video posts and the ones you are viewing and checking on your RSS feeds. What contribution will Googles acquisition 23andMe, a human genetics firm, bring to all of this invasion of personal privacy?

Of course the original warm fuzzy feeling had in part something to do with a statement by Page and Brin, the founders of Google. They maintained that one can make money without doing evil. Then one finds Google providing its search service in China and agreeing to Chinese state censorship. China doesnt exactly have a lilly white reputation regarding its handling of human rights. Add to that Googles growing Big Brother status and one wonders whether the internet user should start getting worried. Read more on this at Independent, UK.

Anja Merret lives in Brighton, UK. Her personal blog allows her to voice opinions on issues that interest her and observations she makes.

She has started a new blog that deals with observations on self development and personal power. Her recommendation for self help tools may be found on

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Expansion Cards Part 2: AGP

Expansion Cards Part 2: AGP

The first in this series of Tech Tips on expansion cards took a look at the PCI slot, and the variety of devices that may find their home in one. Graphics cards are one of the many items that may be used in a PCI slot, but the demands of fast-paced video games require more speed and greater bandwidth than the PCI Bus can provide. Thus, the AGP slot was born, providing a dedicated interface to transfer graphics data only.

The letters AGP stand for Accelerated Graphics Port, and it is the term used to describe a dedicated, point-to-point interface that connects a video card directly to the systems memory and processor.

AGP was first introduced by Intel in 1996, and is based off of their previous work in developing the PCI bus. Despite being based on PCI technology, the AGP and PCI slots on a motherboard are not interchangeable, so an AGP card can not be installed into a PCI slot, and vice versa.

The initial release of AGP saw a sizeable performance boost over PCI, and the few revisions to the standard helped increase this even more as years went by. Other than having a dedicated path to the systems memory and processor, several other design features help AGP outperform PCI when it comes to graphics performance. Three of the other advancements: pipelining, side band addressing and graphics address remapping table are described below.

Data transfer is improved through pipelining, a term used to describe the ability of an AGP graphics card to receive, and act upon, multiple instructions simultaneously. PCI data transfers require each piece of necessary information to be received separately before acting on any of it.

Something called side band addressing also provides AGP with a performance boost. Basically, additional lines of data are included with each packet to instruct the system as to where this data is to be used. PCI data transfers do not have this addressing information, and the system must look at the data itself in order to determine its destination. This is an obvious time saver, as well as a resource saver since the processor doesnt have to analyze all data just to determine the address.

AGP allows the operating system to store texture maps in the systems memory which allows for more space, and perhaps faster access, rather than being limited to the use of graphics card memory only. Graphics art address remapping table, also known as GART, is a term used to describe a process that maps physical memory as virtual memory for the storage of texture maps. Basically, GART takes the system memory it is allowed to use to store texture maps and re-addresses it so that the system thinks these maps are now actually being stored in the frame buffer, or virtual memory. This might not sound like anything special, but this re-addressing requires that the texture map be written to memory only once and it is locked into place right where the AGP card can find it quickly.

AGP can be broken down into different groups based on revisions to the specification (AGP 1.0, AGP 2.0, and AGP 3.0), as well as by the general speeds (1x, 2x, 4x, and 8x). There is overlap between the various categories, with AGP 1.0 supporting 1x and 2x, AGP 2.0 supporting 1x,, 2x, and 4x, and AGP 3.0 supporting 4x and 8x. For a complete break down of all the combinations available, please visit this page.

Before taking a look at the specifications of AGP, lets have a refresher as to what was available on PCI prior to the birth of AGP. The standard PCI bus has a width of 32-bit, operates at 33 MHz, provides a maximum bandwidth of 132 MB/s (which has to be shared by all devices connected), and operates on 3.3V (or 5V on the original standard).

The first version released was AGP 1.0 with a speed of 1x, which offered the following specifications: 32-bit bus width, operating at 66 MHz, providing a maximum bandwidth of 266 MB/s, and utilizing 3.3V. So, it can be seen that right out of the gate, AGP offered double the bandwidth of PCI.

Each speed increase over 1x provided double the bandwidth as well as double the clock speed through the use of special signaling. So, AGP 2x offers a maximum bandwidth of 533 MB/s at a speed of 133 MHz, AGP 4x offers a maximum bandwidth of 1066 MB/s at a speed of 266 MHz, and AGP 8x offers 2.1 GB/s at a speed of 533 MHz.

Given the timeline of the evolution of these cards, AGP 8x cards dominate todays marketplace. Finding some cards that are backwards compatible is possible, but the tricky part may be ensuring that the slot on the motherboard will accept them. Comparing the connector on this 128MB Apollo GeForce FX6600 GT card, to the connector on this 64MB Hercules 3D Prophet Ultra II card, and to the connector on this 256MB Chaintech GeForce FX5200 card shows that the first one is obviously different than the second two. The Apollo card is 8x only, the Hercules card is 4x/2x compatible, and the Chaintech card is 8x/4x, which results in different notches in the connector.

AGP 1.0 only features a 3.3V connection, the release of AGP 2.0 saw the availability of both a 3.3V and 1.5V connector, and AGP 3.0 uses the same 1.5V, but only requires 0.8V for signaling. In order to protect cards of different voltages/formats, special keyed connectors were designed so that only the correct card could be installed on any motherboard. A universal connector was eventually released for AGP 1.0/2.0 which allowed cards of either voltage to be installed. For a schematic of the various connectors, please visit this page. Although AGP 3.0 can share in the use of a universal connection, many motherboards now only support 4x/8x cards based on the AGP 3.0 standard.

Another specification for AGP was released between 2.0 and 3.0, and was referred to as AGP Pro. AGP Pro was intended to be the new standard to meet the demands of high powered graphics workstations, but it never really garnered widespread acceptance. Speeds of 1x, 2x, and 4x were supported with AGP Pro, and it utilized either a 3.3V, 5V, or a universal connector, similar to AGP 2.0. But, the AGP Pro connector was not the same size as the standard AGP connector (see schematic at link above), meaning there were now three more possible connections to consider. An AGP Pro connection is longer than a standard AGP connection, and depending on the connector type, it could accept AGP 1.0 and 2.0 cards.

Modern motherboards supporting AGP will specify what type of card is compatible with the board, so the guess work is eliminated when trying to match one with the other. For example, this Socket 754 Chaintech motherboard specifies that it has one AGP 4x/8x slot and this Biostar LGA 775 motherboard specifies that it has one 8x AGP slot.

Final Words

The AGP slot provided a much-needed boost to graphics cards as compared to the PCI slot, but game developers still managed to push the capabilities of this more powerful format to the edge. Something even faster was needed, and the next Tech Tip will take a look at that something in PCI Express. PCI Express is not only destined to be the successor to AGP 8x, but due to its flexibility, perhaps to PCI as well.

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Can Vitamins Really Help Treat Acne?

The more successful natural acne treatments primarily work by reducing the inflammation associated with breakouts. Yet vitamins and minerals don't work via this mechanism. Does this mean they aren't really effective in healing pimples, pustules, and zits?

Excess vitamins, with the exception of the fat soluble vitamins (A, D and E), are eliminated from the body. The fat soluble vitamins are stored in the body, and can have serious side effects, particularly vitamin A. The water soluble vitamins can also cause unpleasant and sometimes dangerous side effects, which is a problem with one popular vitamin related treatment for acne, the B5 acne program. However, vitamins and minerals are needed for the health of the skin, our hormonal balance, and a strong immune system. These things all have an impact on acne, so it's important to make sure you're at least getting the recommended daily allowance of vitamins.

Vitamin A, and the B vitamins, all have important roles in the health of the skin. Vitamin A strengthens the skin, and a deficiency can lead to acne. However, it is important to note that an excess of this vitamin can also create pimples. Too much vitamin A can be dangerous, especially for pregnant women, who should not take more than 10,000 IU a day. Others can take up to 25,000 IU daily, and this is indeed recommended for treating acne.

Other side effects of vitamin A overdose include nausea, itchiness, irritability, vomiting, headaches, menstrual problems, and dizziness. Long term vitamin A overdose can lead to liver damage, pain in the muscles and bone, and headaches. Some people can have symptoms at a lower dose than 15,000 to 25,000 IU, so this should be monitored if you're taking these levels of vitamin A.

The B vitamins are all important for healthy skin tone, though several are recommended for acne sufferers. These are vitamin B3 (100 mg three times a day), vitamin B6 (50 mg three times a day), and vitamin B5 (50 mg three times a day). If you are taking any B vitamins separately, it's recommended that you take a B complex, as this group work together and taking some without the others can result in a deficiency of some B vitamins. The B vitamins also help with the effects of stress, which can be important for acne sufferers.

Vitamin E is excellent for speeding up the healing process, due to its antioxidant capacity. It also helps with the absorption of vitamin A. The suggested amount is 400 IU daily.

Vitamin C with bioflavanoids is the only vitamin that has an anti-inflammatory effect. It also helps with skin healing, and gives the immune system a boost. Try 3000 to 5000 mg spread throughout the day.

Zinc is an important mineral that has helped control pimples. For zinc acne information, click here. Rebecca runs this acne and rosacea site.

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Vitamins And Nutrients That Can Help Cure Acne

Considered as the biggest organ of the human body, your skin is your first line of defense against external elements such as harmful organisms, heat, pain, and cold. Unfortunately, common skin conditions such as acne can actually make it less effective at fighting off external threats.

Treating acne can take a lot of effort and patience. As for your skin, aside from the inflamed zits and scars, it's also bombarded with synthetic chemicals and potent drugs when undergoing many acne treatments.

Because of this, many health advocates and experts are suggesting that a regular intake of vitamins and other natural nutrients can greatly help in treating and preventing breakouts. Here are some of the vitamins and nutrients that are essential in making your skin healthy and more resistant to damages caused by acne:

  • Vitamin E Considered as an anti-oxidant, it promotes faster healing in damaged cells and tissues. Because of its anti-oxidative property, it can help delay your skin's aging process by targeting the free radicals, elements that can damage your skin cells.
  • Vitamin A This vitamin is effective against acne since it can make your skin tissues more resistant to physical damage. Vitamin A can also lessen oil production and has anti-oxidative properties that can speed up your skin's healing process. It also helps your body get rid of harmful toxins, making this ingredient a popular one among dermatologists.
  • Vitamin C To help fight acne, vitamin C can boost up your immune system, making you less prone to invading bacteria and infections. This is a very popular anti-oxidant because of its crucial role in your body's self-healing ability. When taken with bioflavonoids, this vitamin can become a potent element against acne because of the bioflavonoids' antibiotic property.
  • Vitamin B All of the nutrients included in the Vitamin B family can help keep your skin healthy. Additionally, vitamin B can also reduce stress and anxiety factors that can sometimes cause more acne breakouts. In order for your immune system to properly function, vitamin B deficiency should be immediately addressed.
  • Zinc Important in speeding up your skin's healing process, zinc can help you avoid acne scars and lesions. This element can also regulate your oil glands, making it a perfect nutrient to help treat acne. Just like the other vitamins, zinc, due to its anti-oxidative properties, can also destroy free radicals.
  • Chromium Chromium helps against skin infections that could be caused by acne. Since this nutrient is not quickly absorbed through food, supplements are advised for those who have chromium deficiency.

  • The correct dosage should be observed when taking these vitamins and antioxidants for acne since an overdose of a certain kind of vitamin may do more harm than good. These natural elements may not remove those stubborn zits in a flash but they can definitely make your skin healthy and more resistant to different kinds of infection, including those caused by acne.

    If you want to know more about natural vitamins and antioxidants for acne check out

    Kat Daez is an in-house writer for an online-media company, Intelligraph Corporation and she currently writes articles about treatment options for those with acne.

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