Friday, September 7, 2007

Annual Forecast & Feng Shui Remedies for 2007 : Yin Red Fire Pig Year - Tiger Sign (Chinese Zodiac)

The Chinese Zodiac Astrology is ancient, interesting, accurate and loved by millions across the world. The Chinese Zodiac is based on cyclic concept of time : a cycle of 12 years, repeated again and again. The 12 Years are associated with 12 Celestial Animals : Rat (or Mouse on Mongoose), Ox (or Buffalo or Bull or Cow), Tiger, Rabbit (or Hare or Cat), Dragon, Snake (or Serpent), Horse, Goat (or Sheep or Ram), Monkey, Rooster (or Hen or Cock or Chicken or Phoenix), Dog and Pig (or Boar or Hog). The animal names occasionally differ with the Oriental Country they originate. The Chinese Yearly Horoscopes are basically built around these 12 Animal Signs.

Your Chinese Astrological Zodiac Animal Sign is directly based on the Chinese Lunar Year of Birth that you were born. The Chinese New Year is mobile and could start anywhere between 21st January and 20th February, depending upon the year. If your Date of Birth falls into any of the following Chinese Lunar Years, then, because you are born in the Year of the Tiger, you are symbolically identified by your Celestial Animal, the "Tiger" :

From 08 Feb 1902 to 28 Jan 1903

From 26 Jan 1914 to 13 Feb 1915

From 13 Feb 1926 to 01 Feb 1927

From 31 Jan 1938 to 18 Feb 1939

From 17 Feb 1950 to 05 Feb 1951

From 05 Feb 1962 to 24 Jan 1963

From 23 Jan 1974 to 10 Feb 1975

From 09 Feb 1986 to 28 Jan 1987

From 28 Jan 1998 to 15 Feb 1999

In Chinese Hsia Calender, 2007 is the 4704th year and significantly, is also the fourth year of the New Feng Shui Land Luck Cyclic Period 8. The forthcoming new Chinese Lunar Year is from 18th February 2007 to 6th February 2008. The next Chinese New Year, the Yang Earth Rat will begin on 7th February 2008.

Enjoy the Annual Forecasts and learn about the suggested Feng Shui & Crystal Remedies that you may need for the coming "New Lunar Year 2007 : Ding Hai, the Year of the Yin Red Fire Pig" :

CAREER A good year where opportunities can be turned into excellent success with hard work. Enough chances around for demonstrating your personal strengths and special skills. You are fairly well placed for receiving advancements, promotions and monetary increments in your profession. Time for you to set targets and reach them too. But do not stretch your luck too much - be realistic lest you burn out yourself. Over-confidence will only over turn you. At the same time, complacency or insensitivity for others will break many good relationships and make new enemies in your working environment. Getting back-stabbed is a reality. Continue to maintain your lively, active social network and you will greatly benefit from it. But learn to distinguish between friends and foes. New found friends should be kept at arms length until they have proven their worth. Do not rely on your clouded judgements, seek the advice of your parents or mentors when you sense trouble. If you have a female boss or a female business partner, you will do exceptionally well this year. The glamour of success will also bring gossip and jealousy. Just keep your emotions balanced. Many of you will keep losing your personal belongings like mobile phone, wallet, key rings, etc. this year. To derive the maximum benefits, to avoid disruptions in interpersonal equations and for protection, display the figurine or photo of Kuan Kung in your North West. You will do better if you are a trader, actor, speaker, poet, music composer, singer, teacher, preacher, lawyer, astrologer-diviner, dentist, beautician or philosopher. All this said, it should be highlighted that you are in damage-formation with the Year TaiSui, this year. This means you are disturbing a war-like energy formation called Annual TaiSui (or Grand Duke Jupiter) and because of this you will be having some serious property loss, get into litigation, attract discords and draw blood. So, whether you are self-employed or a salaried worker, you are in dire need of the blessings of the TaiSui this year. Display the genuine, energised photographs of "Feng Ji, the 2007 TaiSui" and the "TaiSui Protection Talisman for 2007" in the North West and carry their miniature versions in your pocket or purse, for minimising the severe negative impacts that you are likely to suffer this year. Do not attend burial ceremonies or cremation rituals this year.

MONEY Money flow will be quite handsome and well in proportion to your efforts. Some of you may even receive surprising doses of bonus income. Investment opportunities will be plenty but be choosy and do it wisely. Make efficient use of tips on share movements, but allow yourself be influenced only by the merits of the case and not by anything else. Exercise extra precautions when signing contracts or agreements. Otherwise, you might get into legal disputes or serious economic loss. All money matters should be accounted for clearly and dealt with in a cold, detached, business-like manner in order to have a satisfactory outcome for you. Do not lend money, especially to the opposite sex - if you have to, give it with the knowledge and generosity that it will not be returned. An excellent year for you to buy new properties. Warning : do not indulge in spur-of-the-moment purchases but have a reality check on your expenses. Manage your finances carefully and wisely to save extra cash for next year. Sudden travel plans at the end of the year might consume quite a lot of money. Keep three powerful "Four Heavenly Kings Coins" at home or office, to prevent money erosion.

HEALTH Average health. Keep away from sharp metallic objects. If you were born in 1998, you will be accident prone this year. Some of you might experience problems in eyes, skin, appendicitis, liver and urinary tract. Pay good attention to what you eat to avoid food poisoning. Stay away from physical clashes. Wear a Malachite Crystal Pendant, energised and programmed for you, exclusively. There could be additions or deductions or both in the family, this year.

LOVE The year generally favours marriage, child-bearing and rebuilding bridges of relationships. Singles should make use of this opportunity and build stable equations for marriage. Avoid procrastination and stick with your decision. However clash with Peach Blossom luck will also trigger frustration and anger. Success in career might kindle your ego too. All these could lead to disharmony, if you are not attentive, open and communicative with your spouse. Open admiration from colleagues of opposite sex or frequent meetings with working partner or team associate of opposite sex will invite serious gossips. Unless you balance your feelings and stabilise, you might be trapped into a situation of losing all that you have gained at home. Remember to separate your work karma from your family karma. Display a pair of Pink Mandarin Ducks in the South West of your bedroom.

STUDIES Excellent academic results. Many will shine in extra curricular activities also. Some of you will enjoy sponsored study trips abroad. However over-confidence and self-conceitedness might bring down your ranks heavily. Accept parental supervising and benefit from it. If you are a female born in 1986, you should resist seductions and concentrate fully on studies only. If you are a female born in 1998, avoid going to lonely places on your own or walking all alone in the night. Wearing a Black Tourmalene Crystal Pendant programmed for only you, is recommended.

Birthstone : Ruby Good Relationships with : Horse, Dog & Dragon, for 2007 Conflicts with : Snake, Ox, Monkey and Rabbit, in 2007 Polarity Force : More Yang Lucky Numbers : 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 34, 44, 45 and 54 Zodiac Protector : XuKong Zang or Akasa Garbha (Sanskrit)


The above analysis has suggested some remedies/cures for reducing the impact of negative energy and has recommended certain enhancers for increasing and improving upon the beneficial energy of the year. For the remedies/enhancers to be effective, they should be cleansed, energised, blessed and programmed not only for the particular individual/family but also for the specific purpose/problem. They should also be placed in the indicated location, to derive the maximum benefit. Any or all of these remedies can be reused for the forthcoming new years, but they may have to be repositioned according to the specific new year.

Janarrdhana Guptha is an Energy Consultant, Kabbalah Energy Numerologist, Crystal Master & Clairvoyant Karma Reader. His speciality is permanent Karma Energy Correction through custom-built Crystal Energy Fields. His E-Mail : His website &

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What To Do When You Suffer An Injury On The Job?

For over 30 years I have been representing injured workers for work place accidents in Virginia workers compensation proceedings and there are some basic errors that injured workers make time and time again which result in denied claims. It is particularly sad to see claimants lose good claims as a result of simple mistakes.

First, it is common for injured workers to ignore a serious injury for a day or even for a couple of days. This can be a serious mistake because the workers compensation insurance company will often deny a claim that is not promptly reported to an employer. Thus, every type of injury should be reported and in writing if possible.

Second, the injured worker will delay going to an doctor for his/her injury. This can be a serious error because the longer you wait the harder it is for the doctor to establish a causal link between the accident and the injury.

Third, the insurance company will often want to take a recorded statement from the worker right after the injury. Giving this statement without legal advice can result in the loss of a legitimate claim.

Fourth, the injured worked will not follow the guidelines set by the doctor. This can be a serious error. For example, if the doctor specifies certain lifting restrictions and these are violated by the injured worker it can result in loss of benefits.

Fifth, the injured worker will be asked to take a drug test often right after the injury. A failure of this drug test can result in termination of employment and loss of compensation. Often, injured workers do not know that marijuana can still in one system for weeks after smoking resulting in a postive drug test.

Sixth, the injured worker who has a serious injury fails to consult an experienced workers compensation lawyer. Not every attorney knows workers comp law, shop carefully. If the attorney is listed "AV" by Martindale-Hubbell, you can can feel confident you have an attorney who has been rated the best in his field.

IN SUMMARY, avoiding these simple mistakes will greatly enhance your chance of winning your claim.

This may be considered AN ADVERTISEMENT or Advertising Material under the Rules of Professional Conduct governing lawyers in Virginia. This note is designed for general information only. The information presented at this site should not be construed to be formal legal advice nor the formation of a lawyer/client relationship.

Gerald G. Lutkenhaus, Attorney at Law, in Central Virginia. In the July 1999 issue of Richmond Magazine he was recognized as the Best Attorney for Workers Compensation in Central Virginia. In 2003 he received Martindale-Hubbell's highest rating of AV.

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Work Site Injuries Cost Billions Each Year

Most Americans between the ages of 22 and 65 spend almost 50% of their waking hours at work, and every year millions of Americans suffer injuries and thousands die as a result of workplace injuries and accidents. The total direct and indirect costs associated with these injuries were estimated to be $155.5 billion or nearly 3% of the gross domestic product (GDP). Direct costs included medical expenses for hospitals, doctors, medications as well as health administration costs. Indirect costs include loss of wages, cost of fringe benefits and employer retraining and workplace disruption costs.

Workers' Compensation covers roughly 27% of all these costs and taxpayers paid approximately 18% of these costs through contributions to Medicare, Social Security and Medicaid.

Workplace deaths and injuries may be decreasing according to recent statistics published by the United States Department of Labor and Industries; however, when workplace accidents do occur, the injuries are usually serious and sometimes fatal. Construction workers, especially, are in a high-risk industry, and more work for construction companies means more pressure on construction workers to produce.

Injury rates are high in the building trades, in natural resource extraction and in some manufacturing industries. According to Leonard Smith, a spokesman for the Teamsters union local headquartered in Seattle, Washington, some employers are just not making safety a priority. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, it is estimated that 1,200 American construction workers die in falls on the job each year. While the construction industry only employs about 7 percent of the nation's workforce, construction sites accounted for 21 percent of workplace deaths.

One of the possible solutions offered to help decrease the number of construction work site injuries is to increase the inspectors-per-worker ratio in the states that do not have enough inspectors for the size of the state. For example, Idaho has just nine accident investigators covering the entire state whereas Washington just hired 11 additional inspectors for the state assigned solely to examine and certify cranes.

If other states would follow Washington's lead and hire more inspectors, the number of work site injuries and deaths may decrease in time. In the meantime, industry workers must continue to be very careful at their work sites and be aware of the hazards that surround them.

If you or a loved one has suffered or died due to a worksite accident in Philadelphia or anywhere in Pennsylvania, please contact the Work Site Accident Injury Lawyers at Pomerantz Perlberger & Lewis LLP.

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Borrowing Falling, But Brits Face Debt Legacy

Despite recent reports of a fall in borrowing Britons are still set to experience debt problems, an industry expert has warned.

According to James Falla, director of Thomas Charles, the announcement from the British Bankers' Association (BBA) that an increasing number of borrowers are looking to pay off more debts accrued on credit cards rather than opt to take out new loans to fund their spending.

"Perhaps the message is starting to get through [and] additional borrowing is starting to reduce. But let's not get too comfortable, because what about all the legacy of borrowing that's already happened?" Mr Falla said. However, he pointed out that the debt management firm is not seeing a fall in those looking for help on debt problems.

He added that although he "applauds" any work being carried out now to limit unnecessary borrowing, "it's the legacy of the last fifteen or twenty years of lending that we are now dealing with". Mr Falla also claimed that despite statistics indicating a fall in credit card use a "large number of people" are still struggling with debt management and are experiencing difficulties paying off personal loans. "My concern would be all the borrowing that has already happened," he asserted.

The director also advised that Britons should look to get into the "routine of saving money" either for times in the year where they know their spending will increase, such as Christmas, or just for putting away in case of a 'rainy day' to help them cope with debt difficulties and repaying loans.

He pointed to a commonly held view that consumers have curbed their borrowing because of the effects recent rises to the base rate by the Bank of England's monetary policy committee (MPC) have had on secured loan costs, in addition to increased daily living expenses and slowing income growth. However, Mr Falla reported that could be more complex, suggesting that more research is needed into "who spends money" claiming that those living in the south-east of England have witnessed "massive increases" in salaries and bonuses over recent times.

Meanwhile, he suggested that the BBA figures are generally indicative of a "seasonal trend in spending" in which consumer personal loan uptake curbs in the wake after the Easter period before families start spending once more as they go prepare to go on their summer holidays. He said: "Certainly the November-December period is a big period of spending. And then it falls during January and rises to Easter - because Easter's quite a big period of spending - and then after Easter you do tend to see people reducing down."

"Then we're in to the July-August period with people going on holidays, booking holidays and using cards on holidays," Mr Falla added.

Consequently, it is more than advisable for Britons to plan their borrowing and personal loan expenditure wisely. Despite this, figures from financial firm CreditExpert indicated that consumers are lacking in 'financial etiquette'. Jim Hodgkins, managing director of CreditExpert, suggested: "We're regularly faced with financial etiquette dilemmas and as well as being important from a social standpoint, they're also significant financially."

Some two out of five consumers (42 per cent) are said to lend as much money as they can to friends who are in financial difficulty despite debt management advice being said to be the 'proper' thing to do. "If you're running up debts that you can't pay off, you could be damaging your credit rating," Mr Hodgkins stressed.

As a result, those consumers concerned about managing their finances over the next few months could be well advised to opt for a competitively priced debt consolidation loan.

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Homeowner Loan - A Critical Overview

Borrowers want more freedom and more choice. They would not like to have a loan that restricts them to any specific use. Today, variety is the spice of life.

There are many types of borrowing options available in the UK loan market. Every loan is a speciality serving a targeted section of society. If you are a tenant, you can rely on loans that do not require any security. However, you always have an advantage being a homeowner.

Homeowner loans can fulfil most of your expectations. Whether you want to add another floor to your home or you want to consolidate your debts, these loans can provide you a big loan mount to do the needful. Homeowner loans are secured loans requiring you to pledge your home. This means that you can get a big loan amount against the equity in your home. The loan amount starts from 5000 and extends up to 250,000. You are required to repay the loan in monthly instalments that can stretch up to 25 years.

Amidst the rising property prices, homeowners are enjoying the benefit of increased equity in their homes. With the help of renewed equity, they can now borrow more money. The value of your property plays an important role in deciding the loan amount. If you are offering a security to the lender, the benefits may include flexible repayment terms, low interest rate and a big loan amount.

There is not all hunky dory with secured homeowner loans. With few negatives, these loans have their own shortcomings. But, these shortcomings are always overwhelmed by the advantages that these loans offer to borrowers. Firstly, homeowner loans involve a complicated loan process and, thus, a lot of time is wasted in getting such loans. Secondly, any default in repayment of loan can invite repossession proceedings against your property.

The author is a business writer specializing in finance and credit products and has written authoritative articles about homeowner loans , cheap secured loans. He has done his masters in business administration and is currently assisting Shakespearefinance as a finance specialist.

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