Thursday, August 23, 2007

A Guide to Low Testosterone Treatment

Long ago men and women who suffered from low testosterone had to just live with their condition.

But no longer.

With advances in modern medicine, there are many low testosterone treatments on the market and one may be right for you if you are indeed diagnosed with a low testosterone count.

Without treatment, low testosterone can have many unpleasant symptoms, ranging from: fatigue, depression, changes in body composition (muscle atrophies and fat increases), lack of libido, increased risk of heart attacks, and even more.

The following are some of the most common testosterone replacement therapies:

Testosterone Low Treatment

Testosterone Injections: just as their name implies, the testosterone hormone is delivered via a needle and injected right into a muscle on advice of your doctor. Most doctors will then train you to inject yourself so you can do it in the privacy of your own home.

The pros of the injection: highly effective method of delivery and very cost effective,.

The cons: painful. Can create highs and lows as you get a surge of testosterone which then can fall quite a bit before your next injection

Testosterone Pellets: these are little pellets that are placed under the skin and then release testosterone into the body.

The pros of pellets: they dissolve evenly, releasing testosterone consistently without the highs and lows of injections.

The cons: an incision has to be made, under which the pellets are placed.

Testosterone Cream: just as it says, you can rub this on certain parts of your body and have more testosterone.

The pros: easy to use, can be effective, and not painful nor do any incisions need to be made

The cons: you can transfer testosterone accidently to other people via skin to skin contact.

Testosterone Gels: Very similar to the pros and cons of testosterone cream.

Low Testosterone Treatments

Some people want a low testosterone treatment that isn't a prescription drug.

For these people, boosting their testosterone using natural means is the way to go.

Although these methods won't be as effective as introducing testosterone right into your body, they have the advantage of being much safer and without nearly the same degree of potential side effects because they help the body to naturally make its own testosterone.

For example, you can eat certain kinds of food that will help your body increase testosterone production.

You can also take certain herbs that indirectly assist the body in manufacturing more testosterone.

For people who don't suffer from a serious testosterone deficiency -- such as people who are slowing down a bit simply because of the aging process -- these dietary and herbal measures may be the route to go instead of more extreme testosterone replacement therapies.

In any case, talk to your doctor about testosterone low treatment to see which method would be best for you.

Learn more about boosting testosterone at

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Buy Viagra : Keep The Good Times Up All Night

So many men over the modern history of our world have fallen to severe ailments. Cancer. Heart disease. Yellow Fever. Diptheria. The Black Plague. Malaria. Gout. The Clap. Yet for all the illnesses and diseases we face in this big bad world, none have received as much attention, and as much medical research funding, as a simple malaise that every man knows all too well, especially after a night of hard drinking: a failing erection. Thankfully, science has come to the rescue so that now, no matter how much beer youve been putting away, no matter how questionable the appeal of tonights date may actually be you can always buy Viagra.

You need to know that buying viagra is not a difficult task in this day and age of online shopping and e-commerce bargains. In fact, if Viagra is something you want to buy, all you need to do is check the bulk mail folder of your email program chances are someone has been filling it with Viagra deals for a long time now.

In fact, unlike Cialis, the biggest competitor for Viagra, it seems that the name Viagra has taken on a life of its own, to become more than a product name. Late Night talk show hosts drop it in a punchline and everybody knows what theyre talking about, because everybody knows Viagra.

And lets face it theres a reason. Because more people buy viagra than buy any other kind of erectile dysfunction remedy. I mean, if so many people swear by it, then clearly it must be good.

Viagra didnt start out life as an erection pill. In fact, it came to be as a blood thinner, and when one of the side effects of the drug was listed as long-lasting erections, people started to put two and two together Why dont we let consumers buy Viagra as a means of keeping their wedding tackle upright?

The rest is history now online pharmacy websites sell Viagra, Cialis and any number of generic alternatives in huge numbers you can buy anything up to 300 pills if thats your preference, though lets face it, chances are youd struggle to get through that many, unless of course youre sharing your romantic efforts between Anna Kournikova, Charlize Theron, and Monica Bellucci. Though, if that were the case, you might not need Viagra to get you in the mood

So if youre bringing home that supermodel youve had your eye on for a few years and youre wondering if that case of Brewers Droop you experienced last time could be an issue. Buy it online, buy it offline, talk to your doctor, talk to your buddies (who you just KNOW are all using it), and enjoy an evening of hard romance.

To get viagra online, be sure to only deal with sellers who are delivering the real deal. Cheaper generic drugs just dont have the guarantee that Viagra does. Trust us it really does work. And work. And work.

And work.

Christopher M. Luck has an extensive medical background in dealing exclusively with viagra perscriptions and is now offering his free professional viagra advice to the public. If you are at all interested in Christopher's professional health advice, tips, or secrets, you can visit his health blog.

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