Thursday, September 6, 2007

Advantages And Disadvantages of Class A Motorhomes

A lot of people are choosing Class A motorhomes as their traveling vehicle over fifth wheel and travel trailers these days. You see them everywhere now. And to be sure, traveling in a Class A motorhome has a lot of advantages. But you should also be aware of some of the disadvantages too before deciding for yourself. Here is a brief look at the matter from both sides:


1. Class A RVs are very easy to drive on the open road.

2. There is just no substitute for the comforts and amenities that can be enjoyed in a Class A as opposed to smaller, less roomy motorhomes and RVs. If you want it, usually you can get it in a Class A.

3. No compatibility issues to worry about here. Whenever you tow your home behind you there is always a need to make sure that the tow vehicle and the RV are in complete synchronization with each other because if they are not working together you will be fighting the wheel the whole time you drive down the highway. With a Class A, it's an all-in-one package. Just jump in and go.

4. When you arrive at your destination, there is no need to even get out of your RV in the case of bad weather. When you tow a vehicle there is a certain amount of setup that has to be done initially and you have to transfer from the tow vehicle to the RV. With a Class A, you are already home when you arrive.


1. Price. Class A motorhomes can be very expensive and as more manufacturers keep packing in expensive features that trend will probably continue to grow. New units also take a serious depreciation hit, so bear that in mind when you buy.

2. If you want to get around town once you arrive, you probably will need to tow another vehicle behind you adding to the cost of this setup. It's just too difficult to setup and take down your Class A every time you want to run to the store. Of course, you may opt for bicycles instead, but then that limits how far you can go and can be difficult to travel far in bad weather.

3. If your motorhome breaks down, you will probably have to spend a night or two in a motel while it is at the RV repair shop. Most shops try to get you in and out on the same day, but if the repair is serious enough, or parts are hard to get, that just may not be possible. With a towed vehicle, you still have your home to stay in if the truck has to go in for work.

4. Class A RVs can be very long, especially the more expensive models, and that can narrow your choices of where you can stay as some campgrounds simply don't have the facilities to accommodate long rigs.

The disadvantages of owning a Class A motorhome that are listed above should not be taken to mean that you shouldn't own one. Just don't get so caught up in the advantages of Class A RVs, that you don't also consider the disadvantages as well. After looking at both sides you can make an educated decision about whether it will be the best choice for you.

Jim Johnson writes on many consumer related topics including motorhomes. You can find out more about class a motorhomes and motorhome sales by visiting our Motorhomes Review website.

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How Your Church Can Take on the Porn Epidemic

In How Many Porn Addicts are in Your Church?, we looked at the pressing need to confront the porn epidemic in the church. In this article, we go on the offensive. Our enemy has carpet-bombed us with lust, and weve allowed them to take a lot of our territory. Theyre holding thousands of broken men, women, children, marriages and families hostage in slavery to sexual sin, and these prisoners of war are waiting to be rescued.

Our enemy is skilled at psychological warfare, and he uses our silence, apathy and fear as a weapon against us. If we want to win this war, we have to boldly assault his front positions with truth and decimate his ranks with the power of God. Well clear a path of grace so our battered P.O.W.s can make it home without fear of attack; once theyre safe our Lord can heal their wounds with the balm of His love.

To reach the sexually broken in our churches, we need to provide clear answers in a Sunday morning service. You can offer a mens retreat or seminar on the topic, but if you dont go for it in front of the congregation many who desperately need to hear your message of hope will miss out. Those who struggle with porn or sex addiction are trapped in shame and isolation, so the idea of going to a lets deal with porn mens retreat will be too intimidating for many. We have to reach them where they are, which means your best shot is at church on Sunday morning.

Earlier this year, Christianity Today asked 680 pastors and 1,972 laypersons if they thought the topic of sex should be discussed more from the pulpit: 44 percent of churchgoers said they wanted to hear more scriptural teaching from their pastors on sexual issues, while only 22 percent of pastors agreed. Our culture is a sex saturated sewer, and your people are hungry for the secrets of living a pure life.

Before addressing sexual sin with your congregation, you and your staff should spend a few weeks praying for them. This is an epic battle and youre stepping up to the front lines; our enemy isnt going down without a fight. Theyll infiltrate your ranks with thoughts of doubt, fear and confusion You cant talk about sex; itll offend and embarrass them. What if they leave the church? Maybe we should soften the message a little... or put it off until we feel led. Theyll try to cause stress in marriages and families to keep them from coming, and theyll attack your P.O.W.s with shame and fear: You dont need help, you can handle this besides, what would others think if they really knew what youve been doing? Be sure to pound the enemy with prayer artillery before making the assault into his territory.

Those who suffer with sexual sin carry a heavy burden of shame, and some have been wounded when they shared their struggles with the wrong person. Your purpose is to draw them out of isolation so they can get help and find freedom from sin. A red hot, scolding sermon on hell and damnation will drive them deeper into hiding, which is the opposite of what you want. Boldly speak all of the truth in love. Our approach with the sexually broken should be like Jesus when He restored Peter (who would have been greatly ashamed) after hed failed miserably by denying Jesus three times.

Brethren, even if anyone is caught in any trespass, you who are spiritual, restore such a one in a spirit of gentleness; each one looking to yourself, so that you too will not be tempted. Galations 6:1

The following is a suggested outline for your message of hope. Sexual sin isnt an appropriate subject for young children, so you may consider making an announcement 1-2 weeks prior that the topic is PG-13, and parents should have their little ones in Sunday school that day.

First, set the standard. In a 2003 Barna survey, 28% of Christians said looking at pictures with nudity or sexually explicit behavior was morally acceptable. Gods standard, found in Matthew 5:28, is that lust in the heart is the same as committing adultery. The married man who uses porn is sinning against God and is unfaithful to his wife. Christians arent immune from our cultures if it feels good do it mentality, and those whove allowed this lie to influence their thinking need to hear Gods truth.

Show how destructive sexual sin is Just porn takes out marriages and families; the tragedy is that most guys dont realize it until its too late. At a 2003 meeting of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers, two thirds of the 350 divorce lawyers who attended said internet porn contributed to more than half of the divorce cases they handled. The aftershocks from porn addiction in a marriage are little different from the fallout from the physical act of adultery; there are many stories in Scripture that show the devastating consequences of sexual sin (such as Samson and Davids).

Let them know theyre not alone. Because porn or sex addiction is so rarely discussed in the church, most guys mistakenly assume that Im the only one with a lust problem. This lie keeps many trapped in shame, because if Im the only one then I dare not tell someone for fear of being branded with a scarlet P. Exposing the statistics that 50 percent of Christian men have an issue with porn will show them theyre not the only one, and encourage them to reach out for help. One powerful way to do this is for one man to share his struggle with lust with the congregation; when one person steps forward and confesses his weakness it gives others the courage to do the same.

After opening the door, point the way out:

1. Isolation is death All who struggle with sex or porn addiction are isolated, and few have friends who they can be vulnerable with. James 5:16 says Confess your sins to one another and pray for one other so you may be healed, and in Proverbs 28:13 we read he who conceals his transgressions will not prosper, but he who confesses and forsakes them will find compassion. When we keep our sins a secret they have more power over us; exposing our struggles to others dissolves the shame (Psalms 32:1-5) and breaks the stronghold of lust in the heart. And, when others pray for us in our specific area of weakness as is mentioned in the second half of James 5:16, the Holy Spirit touches our heart where we need it with His power and grace.

2. The stumbling blocks of lust must be annilhated. In Matthew 5:29, right after He set the standard for sexual purity in verse 28, Jesus drew a black and white picture of the no compromise approach were to take in the war against lust: "If your right eye makes you stumble, tear it out and throw it from you; for it is better for you to lose one of the parts of your body, than for your whole body to be thrown into hell. In practical terms, this means the man who stumbles with internet porn installs blocking software, gives his wife the passwords to the computer, or shuts off all internet access to their home. If cable TV is a problem, he has the service turned off. If he cant stop watching porn movies in hotel rooms, he must leave the TV off, doesnt travel alone, or finds a new job. Wife getting in lingerie magazines like Victorias Secret? He asks her to cancel the subscription. Our enemy thrives on compromise and weakness, so the only way to win is to take the offensive and kill it.

3. Point them to the One theyve been looking for. Sex addiction is the search for Gods love and acceptance in lust. Help them see theyre after a lovingkindness thats better than life (Psalms 63:3), which is found only from the Living God of blazing grace. As the deer pants for the water brooks, so my soul pants for You, O God. Psalms 42:1

4. Teach them about grace. Ive never met a man or woman who struggled with porn or sex addiction who had accepted Gods grace in their heart. Most are programmed by parents, peers and circumstances that love is performance based, conditional, or impossible to obtain. This makes their hardest struggle not in being accountable, or cutting off the stumbling blocks of lust, but accepting Gods grace. Teach them to live in grace, as Jesus told us in John 15:9: "Just as the Father has loved Me, I have also loved you; abide in My love.

5. Give them a safe place to go Once youve shown them the way out, give your people a safe place where they can be vulnerable and find encouragement by starting a Strength in Numbers group in your church. Strength in Numbers is a Christ and grace centered support group for those who struggle with sex and porn addiction that is based on James 5:16. For more information on how to set up a Strength in Numbers group go to

A Strength in Numbers group is a ministry to your city, not just the men in your church. I get requests for a group all the time from persons all over the U.S., and most of the time I dont have a place to send them to. Id love to be able to refer the sexually broken to your church. My prayer is that well see many of these lighthouses of grace spring up in churches all over our land.

Mike Genung struggled with sex addiction for 20 years before God set Him free in 1999. He is the director of, a ministry to the sexually broken and their spouses, and the author of The Road to Grace; Finding True Freedom from the Bondage of Sexual Addiction (available at Blazing Grace also helps churches minister to the sexually broken by providing resources and helping them set up Strength in Numbers groups.

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