Tuesday, August 28, 2007

How to Get a Six Pack Fast

Ah, all men dream of a six pack. We may not admit it, but we do. Whether we find it aesthetically pleasing or not, it is indisputable that a six pack symbolises something far more important: ultimate body sculpting, and all that goes with it -- hard work, ambition, drive, skill. However, knowing how to get a six pack fast is one thing, actually getting one is something else.

The six pack is comprised of the abdominal muscles. Notice the word "muscles" in that sentence. If you want a great looking pair of biceps, what do you do? You lift weights doing bicep curls in order to make them more prominent. If you want a firm, strong chest, what do you do? You do bench presses to increase the muscle. Getting a six pack is no different -- if you want your abs to be prominent and well-defined, then you need to work them.

However, you can work your abdominals to death, but they will never present themselves if they have a layer of fat covering them. You see, muscles only become visible and defines as long as they are not buried in fat. This is an amazingly simple principle, yet an astonishing number of people completely overlook it. For some, just doing endless sit-ups and crunches should be enough to get a six packand then they are left bemused when none show. Knowing how to get a six pack fast needn't be a secret.

The six pack is probably the most prized aesthetic look precisely because it is the hardest to achieve. Our arms don't appear to be our body's favourite storage space for fat so, consequently, we can build the visibility of our bicep and forearm muscles very quickly. Even a morbidly obese individual could display them after a bit of work. Our legs are slightly more prone to fat but, again, you can see muscle definition fairly quickly.

The stomach area is where we put out fat and, unfortunately, represents the hardest task to accomplish. Here's the thing -- you can work your abs for months, doing countless reverse curls, crunches and sit-ups. It's highly likely that in that time, you will have built a fine-looking six pack. But unless you have removed the fat on top of the six pack, it will never be visible.

Now, losing weight isn't enough to get the stomach fat off. Again, look for the keyword in the sentence -- "fat". Weight is made of two forms, fat and muscle. If you wish to know how to get a six pack fast, then you need to understand the importance of treating each sub-category of weight properly. You will want to build muscle and burn fat. Muscle is dense and requires an awful lot of calories to keep it going -- so if you build a pound of muscle, you will pay for that by burning fat.

Like it or not, you will have to hit the weights, and hit them hard. You will also have to eat clean, and ensure your body fat percentage goes down steadily. This can be accomplished in a fast period of time, assuming you aren't in terrible physical condition to begin with (it helps if you have less than 15 lbs to lose). It is no good going from 180 lbs to 160 lbs if you are losing fat and muscle, because a significant percentage of the fat will continue to cover your abs. You need to ensure that the vast majority of weight lost is fat.

If you can nail that combination of building muscle, working the abs, and dieting to lose fat, then you could see a six pack in very fast time. Of course, it goes without saying that the harder you hit the weights and the more disciplined you are with your diet, the faster you will accomplish your goal. Suck it up and get it done, and you too can rip off your shirt and beam with pride.

Hugh Campbell believes he has found the best solution for fast and optimal body aesthetic transformation. If you would like to learn more, feel free to visit (http://www.hottestpicksonline.com/BurnTheFat.html)

Burn the Fat Build the Muscle

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