Monday, September 10, 2007

Surgeons: Help Your Patients Recuperate Faster!

Everyone knows that after someone has surgery, whether it is for a medical necessity or for cosmetic reasons, the patient recovers faster and has fewer complications if they take it easy for a little while and do not return to their normal routines too quickly.

Everyone, except the patient it seems.

As soon as the pain wears off to an acceptable limit, they always get up and start doing things like running errands, doing housework, and all of the other things that are on their physicians DO NOT DO list, because they think that those rules are for everyone else. The patient feels better and they get off the couch or out of bed and start moving around normally, and then they start doing themselves more damage than good. There is an increased risk of infection, and post-surgical complications that can INCREASE the amount of time a patient is out of their normal routine.

So, what can be done to help patients get the rest they need to recuperate and recover from surgery in the least amount of time and with the fewest post-surgical complications? What if their surgeon was to recommend a personal concierge service to help out with errands, grocery shopping, arranging for transportation or cleaning services or anything else that may come up while the patient was recuperating?

A.J. di Pota, owner of a personal concierge service, states that there has been quite an interest recently in recovery centers or spas offering post-surgical recovery packages. While going off to a spa would be great for some people, others prefer to recuperate in the comfort of their own homes, but need some help doing the everyday things they would normally be doing if they were not laid up. says Mr. di Pota. Thats where personal concierge services are a godsend. Also while the patient is recovering, out-of-town relatives and friends can be sure that someone is looking in on and doing tasks for their loved one.

For a marginal cost compared with increased time off from work and the pain and suffering that comes from infections and post-surgical complications, the patient can relax and recover in a minimal amount of time. Not only that, but who wouldnt want to be pampered while theyre recuperating?

Rates for personal concierge services vary throughout the country, and you can expect to pay a premium for service in large metro areas like NYC and LA.

To find a personal concierge service in your area, you may want to contact your local chamber of commerce, where you may find at least one personal concierge service as a member.

So, when making plans for care after your surgery, consider recovering at home with a home health care aide for the medical treatments, and a personal concierge service doing all of the other tasks so that your recovery can be as pleasant and as speedy as possible!

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