Saturday, September 22, 2007

"I Do", Las Vegas Weddings' Style

Just tell your family that youre getting married in Vegas and theyll look at you like youre insane! But thats okay. Vegas weddings arent for everyone. But where else can you find an Elvis impersonating clergyman to pronounce you man and wife? Only in Las Vegas! If youve chosen Las Vegas as your destination wedding, than youre probably a fly-by-the-seat of your pants type of person that loves to have fun. There are thousands of ways to be wed in Vegas. Themed weddings galore! Love Elvis? Elvis wedding. Love Star Trek? Star Trek Wedding. Love to gamble? Have your lover gamble for your hang in marriage. Adrenaline Lover? Take the big leap (literally) and get married while bungee jumping from a tower in the center of Las Vegas.

2. Take Very Little Time!

There are no waiting periods, blood tests, etc. Choose on witness, hand over your drivers license, say two little wordsand you will be pronounced man and wife. Most chapel weddings usually take anywhere from ten to thirty minutes. Thats faster than the delivery


Torn between having a big wedding or buying a house? Buy the house and party in Las Vegas! Why spend thousands upon thousands of dollars for your wedding when you can get married in Las Vegas for less than $100 USD! That price includes the marriage license fee and the wedding package. The wedding package includes: use of chapel, music, a bouquet, and a photograph.

5. Easy Wedding Planning

Forget about stressing yourself out with wedding plans. All you need to do is book the flight, hotel reservations, and find a dress. Most of the hotels have dress ships and beauticians on the premises. Remember, youre not the first person who has thought of this idea. Vegas weddings are very common. Which is greatbecause everything you need is right there. Thats how easy a Las Vegas wedding is! Everything will come easy for you In Las Vegas, as long as you are the age of consent (18 years of age).

Still not convinced? Perhaps some of Las Vegas attractions will make you change your mind. Live Music, theatrics, museums, gambling, sportstheres something there for everyone. Call a travel agent for accommodation fees, brochures, and any available packages. You may be surprised to find what Las Vegas can offer you and your fiance.

Jen Carter is owner of My Wedding Blog, a free wedding planning guide about weddings. The following article is avaible in our Wedding quick tips category. You may publish our articles on your website only if you do not edit the article in any way, and include all html as direct links to our site.

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